...una biblioteca es un gabinete mágico en el cual hay muchos espíritus hechizados. Despiertan cuando los llamamos; mientras no abrimos un libro, ese libro, literalmente, es un volumen, es una cosa entre las cosas.      - Emerson

Public Libraries Using Spanish


SOL 3   February 7, 2000


SOL 3 Contents:


1. A question: How do you broaden your staff?

3. List formatting suggestions
2. Introductions: Marie Kaneko Barbara O'Neill, and Lety Ramos,


1.   A    Q U E S T I O N


Greetings to all.  You’ll note that this issue differs a bit from the others, thanks to some good ideas that were sent in.  I want to continue to reshape these mailings to suit your needs, so don’t be shy with your criticism.

A question: Many of your listmates have commented on a lack of Spanish-speaking library staffers, so I wonder if you have experiences or opinions that might shed light on how to remedy or cope with such a situation?




2.   I N T R O D U C T I O N S



Subject: SOL Intro

Hi Bruce and Solistas!

I am Marie Kaneko from City of Commerce Public Library in Southeast Los Angeles County.  Commerce is a small 98% Latino community near East L.A. We have 4 libraries in 6-1/2 sq. mi. town. Our folks range from "just got here two weeks ago and how do I rent the books" to 4th and 5th generation. I have been here for ten years and am Library Services Supervisor in charge of Children's Services. I also do all the collection development and original cataloging for Spanish language materials, adult and juvy. I've been a REFORMA member for about 15 years. I have a budget of $10K just for adult Spanish here at Central Library. I'm available for workshops and on-site consulting, if anyone is interested. This sounds like a great listserv.

Saludos a todos!


From: Barbara O'Neill


OK, you guilted me into introducing myself. I can't just lurk.

I work in the same county in Oregon as Sarah and Angela, Washington County. I  do second-level adult reference work for libraries in the county when they don't have the resources to answer the questions. I also work with vendors to license databases for our shared online system. We currently have a license for Gale's Spanish language periodical index Informe!, and we're looking at Grolier's new Spanish language Nueva Enciclopedia Cumbre en Linea.  I haven't seen much out there in the way of Spanish-language databases.

Barbara O'Neill, Reference Program Manager
Washington County Cooperative Library Services
503-988-5577 (voice)    503-248-5221 (fax)


From: Ramos <>

Hi, my name is Lety M. Ramos and I am currently working in Val Verde County Library, in Del Rio Texas. We are neighbors to Cuidad Acuna, Coahuila Mexico.

Therefore our community is mostly Mexicans. Since I am a native, I am able to help, communicate and empathize with this part of the community more freely. I believe that they are the ones who require our help the most. My main concern is the children, I am aware that in order to help the children I must first help the parents be comfortable and show them what we have to offer for the whole family. I am currently offering both English and Spanish newsletters with information of the children's department.

Thank You,

Lety M. Ramos


3.   F O R M A T T I N G   S U G G E S T I O N S


From: Barbara O'Neill <>

In answer to your questions about how the list should be run, I have to say I'm a bit uncomfortable with your summaries of all the postings.

Although I've participated in a lot of online discussion lists, even moderated lists, I've never been on one where each message gets filtered through another person. I think I would rather have you forward each one separately without introduction or comment. If there's a particularly good one that fits into a topic on the web site, then put that information up on the site. Otherwise, let the discussion flow.

I realize my discomfort might be due to my lack of experience with this kind of list. I'll try to be open minded if you decide not to take my advice.


Hola "Flaco,"

It would be great to have a table of contents at the top of the compiled message, similar to digest versions of listserv mailings.



Jean Canosa Albano, MLIS

Head of Youth and Outreach Services
Springfield (MA) Library
220 State Street
Springfield, MA  01103

Bruce Jensen

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