...una biblioteca es un gabinete mágico en el cual hay muchos espíritus hechizados. Despiertan cuando los llamamos; mientras no abrimos un libro, ese libro, literalmente, es un volumen, es una cosa entre las cosas.      - Emerson

Public Libraries Using Spanish



Ricardo Flores Magón

Ricardo no buscó nada
que le ensuciara las manos. Vivió por la libertad
y por ella lo mataron.
¡El sol sale para todos!
¡El sol es un libertario!
¡Un sol clavado en la sombra!
¡Ese sol era Ricardo!
From Sol Clavado en la Sombra
by José Muñoz Cota,

Made his first move, birth, in Havana on November 19, 1888 and within a few years the boy began mopping up chessboards with flabbergasted grown men. One of the original five grandmasters of the game, José Raul Capablanca reigned as world champion from 1921 to 1927. The phenomenal prodigy and bon vivant never studied chess formally and reportedly had no board at home. Link I | Link II

November 20 is Día de la Revolución in Mexico, marking the day in 1910 when Francisco I. Madero thumbed his nose at Porfirio Díaz, declared himself President, and called for a national insurrection. Link

One of the apostles of that revolution was found dead in his cell at Leavenworth the morning of November 21, 1922. Ricardo Flores Magón, brilliant political theorist and courageous underground journalist, has been anthologized in a number of volumes, examined by admiring biographers, and painted into countless murals. Link I | LinkII
SOL 42 Contents:

November 18 , 2000
1. What's the Spanish word for 'muggle'?
2. FORO XI (Cross-Border Library Forum) invites your participation

3. Dewey Decimal in Spanish on the Web
4. Librarian featured in Latinolink



1. Harry Potter's fun Spanish-language website

From: Ana Hartnett

Greetings, Bruce
Thank you for all the helpful information you share with us on SOL!!  I look forward to each of your messages.  I wasn't sure if you had already mentioned this site but it is very noteworthy especially for any children's librarians (public and school) who serve Spanish speakers.

What's also fun is that once you enter the site, when you move your cursor on the screen stars appear and there is a trail of stars anytime you move your cursor around!!

The main site I retrieved this from is which originates in Argentina. The Harry Potter site's URL is     [Note: As of Jan. 2003, that link's dried up...gaze at or, if you're into the movie, instead]

Hope this is helpful and useful to your subscribers
Ana Hartnett
San Antonio Public Library
600 Soledad
San Antonio,TX 78205

2. Eleventh Cross-Border Library Forum seeks presenters

From: Cecilia Avilés

El Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C. (CIAD) y la Universidad de Sonora, instituciones organizadoras del XI Foro Transfronterizo de Bibliotecas que se celebrará en Hermosillo, Sonora, del 15 al 17 de marzo del 2001, tienen el agrado de invitarlo a usted a que participe en su programa. The Research Center for Food and Development (CIAD) and the University of Sonora, organizers of the XI Transborder Library Forum to be held in Hermosillo, Sonora on March 15-17, 2001, invite your participation in the program.
Los temas a desarrollarse son: Suggested topics include:
*Formación profesional *Professional training
*Derechos de autor *Copyright
*Temas fronterizos *Border affairs
*Préstamo interbibliotecario *Interlibrary loan
*Intercambio de profesionales *Exchange of librarians
*Cooperación *Institutional and international cooperation
*Programas de formación de usuarios *Literacy and bibliographic instruction
AVISO: La fecha límite para enviar ponencias es Noviembre 30, 2000. NOTICE: The deadline for submitting presentation proposals is November 30, 2000.

Submit proposals to and visit the FORO XI website Here

3. Spanish translation of Dewey Decimal Classification system posted on PLUS

As stubborn as ol' Melvil himself, Flaco didn't let a busted arm stop him from getting a Spanish version of the 1,000 DDC sections up on the Web at so have a look, and tell us if you find any typos.

4. Martin Gomez featured by Latinolink news service

His original ambition was to 'run a bookmobile through the Southwest,' and now here he is, executive director of the Brooklyn Public Library. Read about Martin Gomez at


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