SOL HOME PAGE Aula Máxima es la biblioteca y también lugar de recreo del espíritu.   - José Vasconcelos


ISSN 1542-0647
A project of the Blanchard/Santa Paula Community Library


Welcome to SOL (Spanish in Our Libraries)

What you'll find here: 

SOL is an electronic newsletter for library workers who serve Spanish speakers.  In  more than 70 issues it has gathered news, links, and ideas that can help you to better understand and meet the needs of the nearly 30 million people in the U.S. who use Spanish as a primary language.

The buttons at left take you to pages listing the articles and linking you to each issue.  Another technique for finding what you want is to use the search box below; every word in SOL and its companion site, the PLUS resource bank, is indexed.  The search tool is set to overlook accents: if you type your query as dia de los ninos it will still bring up hits related to Día de los niños.

SOL's title is an acronym that refers to the Spanish and Latin word for "sun," and not, as some wags have suggested, an abbreviation familiar in the U.S. military, S.O.L.though it can't be denied that in many communities around the country, Spanish speakers are sadly outta luck where library services are concerned.

El Sol has long been a popular name for periodicals in the Spanish-speaking world.  It's sometimes said of the sun that it's la cobija de los pobres, the poor people's blanket, and that el sol sale para todos: it comes out and shines for us all.

Libraries strive to operate on the same virtuous principle, but it's plain that the patrons who generally get our best service are people like us, the ones we most easily understand and identify with.  We hope SOL can help you spread the illumination and warmth of your library to an ever-growing group of users.

We always welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions.

This project is supported in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum
and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and
Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian

Bruce Jensen ~ About the author
Most recent modification of this site: October 15, 2002

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